A sampling of do-it-yourself technical support solutions created for, and made available to, end-usersTech Tips
theITSupportCenter is committed to empowering end-users beyond live support.
Our Tech Tips database is available to all end-users and provides education and self-training on common business application questions.
Below is a selection from our Tech Tips database created by Certified Tech Advisors and provided to all end-users.

Post-Call Support
With theITSupportCenter, end-users receive ongoing support after the initial support event. Our Advisors make brief recordings of the support provided and send them to users as follow-up and references for similar future questions.
Examples of videos created by Certified Tech Advisors and provided to end-users.
Personalized Training Sessions
Your organization is migrating to Office 365 or introducing a new software to your end-users. Accounting just hired six new employees and they need to learn PowerPoint fast. These can daunting tasks without proper training. theITSupportCenter promotes a “teach to fish” mentality with training sessions tailored to your needs. From one end-user to an entire workforce, theITSupportCenter has you covered.