Provide your end users with a go-to resource for expert software support
End-users generally do not view their help desk as a reliable resource for how-to questions regarding off-the-shelf software. They routinely turn to internet searches and peer support which hinders their productivity and efficiency. theITSupportCenter partners with your internal help desk to provide support that your end-users will acknowledge and utilize. theITSupportCenter supports over 200 different business applications, from new to old, common to obscure, as well as operating systems and devices for your mobile business.
- Every support call is answered live by a Certified Tech Advisor on average within two rings
- Abandonment rate of <1% on support calls
- Customer Satisfaction Score of 9.4+ out of 10
- 24/7 support provided by Certified Tech Advisors located across all U.S. time zones

Supported Applications & Mobile Devices
Below is a sample of the over 200 business applications and devices for which we provide expert technical support.
Self-Service Support Cost Analysis
Self-service, the use of Google and/or co-workers to answer complex, and even simple, off-the-shelf functionality questions is a huge time and money pit for your organization. This concept is easy to recognize but difficult to quantify. What is the cost of self-service to your company? theITSupportCenter quantified the time and money saved with immediate, expert technical support on off-the-shelf software, and the results are staggering.

Support for Off-The-Shelf Software
Now, more than ever, every aspect of business utilizes or relies upon common software applications such as Microsoft Office or G Suite to perform even the simplest of tasks. Many organizations are centralized on a foundation of off-the-shelf software applications.
theITSupportCenter understands and supports the most critical functions of your business. These applications are incredibly powerful, but also complex. Everyone from entry-level employees with rudimentary skills to c-level executives with decades of hands-on experience benefit from immediate, expert support on the applications they use on a daily basis. Whether it is nesting multiple functions to parse strings in Microsoft Excel or creating an email signature block in Gmail, theITSupportCenter has you covered

Support for Operating Systems Mobile Devices
Business is increasingly conducted remotely and on-the-go, and these arrangements necessitate dynamic support needs.
In particular, the technology driving remote configurations is continuously evolving, and we understand the importance of equipping your employees with the most current and up-to-date devices to be as effective and productive as possible. Continuously retraining your internal IT and Help Desk staff, however, can be timely, costly and ineffective.
theITSupportCenter specializes in identifying and recruiting the most knowledgeable Certified Tech Advisors to support new technologies. Our team will complement your existing Help Desk, making your IT professionals, information workforce and business as efficient and productive as possible.
Examples of Common Issues with Operating Systems Mobile Devices
- Synchronization of data (mail, contacts, etc.)
- Linking several mobile devices
- Opening/managing attachments
- Editing documents on-the-go
- Problems connecting to WiFi networks